


How are you doing today? My name is xxxxxx. I came across your e-mail at the Georgia Institute of Technology, Department of Biological Sciences under Graduate Student’s portal. I seek for a private tutor for my Daughter. I would like to know if you would be available for the job and I would provide you with more details my daughter.

I would also like the lessons to be at your location. Kindly let me know your policy with regard to the fees, cancellations, location and make-up lessons. Also, get back to me with your area of specialization and any necessary information you think that might help.

Once you confirm your availability, I would provide you with more helping details. The lessons can start by 6th of April.

Looking forward reading from you.

Best regards,

我这种向来遵纪守法的好学生当然不敢接这种野活啦,我的留学生身份根本不允许我学生期间合法工作。这封邮件有一些别的不合常理的地方,让我怀疑这是钓鱼执法。首先,这位“家长”找家教的方式比较奇葩。居然在Graduate Student’s portal找我的名字。从学校途径找到我的名字后居然不发到我的学校邮箱,而是发到私人邮箱。其次,他连我的专业是什么都不知道,就联系我当家教,没见过这么昏的家长。最后,也是最无法理解的地方, 家教这种类型的工作,连教什么都没有定下来,反而把时间都订好了。看起来就为了满足钓鱼执法的某些“证据”标准而提供的必要信息。如果我回复我愿意,估计就可以直接被遣送回国了。


Written on March 28, 2017